Jacob Durrant

  • Assistant Professor

The mission of the Durrant lab is to develop broadly applicable, innovative computer-aided drug design (CADD) techniques and to apply those techniques to further infectious-disease, neurological, and cancer drug discovery. The biologically active molecules we identify also serve as small-molecule probes that shed light on protein function in cells.


We use computational techniques to design small-molecule ligands--chemicals that bind to protein grooves and pockets--that can interfere with protein functions. By altering the activity of pharmacologically interesting protein targets, we aim to find new ways to treat disease and to learn more about basic microbiology. Computer-aided drug design (CADD) accelerates ligand identification by predicting protein binding in a computer. Using these predictions, scientists can test fewer molecules before finding one that is effective.

We also develop improved ligand-identification methods that draw on computer docking, molecular dynamics simulations, and big-data/machine-learning.


Proteins and ligands are invisible to the eye, so visualizing the results of virtual experiments requires modeling, scientific illustration, and 3D artistry. Molecular visualizations provide scientific insights and can serve as powerful educational tools. Blender, a 3D computer-graphics program used in the film and video-game industries, provides careful control over lighting and materials, allowing for photo-realistic protein images.
Beyond creating these visualizations, Durrant-lab students also develop techniques to improve molecular graphics. For example, we’re developing virtual-reality (VR) software so we can walk around–and through–our favorite proteins. ProteinVR will be a useful educational and collaborative tool.

Visit http://durrantlab.com/computational-biology-research/ to learn more.